I&C Energo a.s. - one of the cornerstones of the maintenance of the Czech nuclear power plants

At the end of 2019, I&C Energo concluded implementation contracts with ČEZ, a.s. for the maintenance, repairs and inspections of logical units (LC CE) and I&C (LC CM) at the Dukovany and Temelín nuclear power plants for 2020. These contracts are related to the Framework Agreement for maintenance and repairs of LC CE and CM at both power plants concluded with ČEZ, a.s. in 2015.
I&C Energo a.s., in addition to the aforementioned contracts, also participates in the maintenance of electrical and I&C equipment within other logical units of both Czech nuclear power plants, namely in cooperation with ŠKODA JS a.s. and ČEZ ENERGOSERVIS spol. s r.o.