Movement of discharge valve controls in the Dukovany NPP
In May I&C Energo a.s. and ČEZ, a.s. concluded a contract for the public tender for the project "7865 - Movement of the controls of ESW (essential service water) discharge valves from the central pumping station to the control room". The subject of the work is the processing of the documentation and subsequent implementation in the form of a turnkey operation in order to allow the operating personnel to control the electrically driven discharge valves of the essential service water pumps from the control room and the emergency control room at the Dukovany NPP. Besides the replacement of the current valves, including drives and limit switches, the work also includes the construction of new cable routes and making the current cable routes more seismically resistant, adjustments to the current electrical distribution boards, and the addition of new measuring circuits and signalling to the control room and the emergency control room. The newly added and replaced devices must meet the demanding criteria for seismic resistance and the criteria given by the State Office for Nuclear Safety decree 358/2016 Coll. and are classified in BT2 and BT3 security classes.
The work will be implemented in four sub-units with a planned completion in November 2021.